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WinZip 16.0.9691

WinZip 16.0.9691

Publisher's description

WinZip is the original Windows Zip file utility. Combining power and flexibility with ease of use, WinZip appeals to the entire spectrum of data-compression users. First-time users are comfortable with the intuitive WinZip Wizard, while power users appreciate WinZip's seamless Windows Explorer interface and choose the award-winning WinZip Classic interface for their most sophisticated compression needs. In addition to basic zipping and unzipping, features include tight integration with Windows Explorer, support for most Internet file formats, advanced AES encryption, and much more.



File Size: 51.80M
Released: Nov 30, 2011
Downloads: 1987 (All versions: 230803)
OS Support: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/XP64/Vista64
Plugins: None
MD5 Checksum: b101a1ccd85f0f3c1b942837a86db2db

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